Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Kristen Stewart para Elle

Traducción por Norma Hernández

Still Alice es muy buena y muy escalofriante. Ver la enfermedad del alzhéimer en una película es horroroso.

Gracias. Es una película importante-la gente necesita hablar de este problema-pero también me hizo muy paranoica. Cada vez que no recuerdo una palabra, me pongo nerviosa de que puede ser un síntoma. La semana pasada,  mi papá no podía pensar en una palabra. Es espantoso.

Hoy confundí "dubstep" y "Diplo"...

Eso no es espantoso. Eso es muy gracioso.

En el pasado has hablado de querer trabajar con Julianne Moore. ¿Le diste el "sí" a esta película inmediatamente?

Había una muy poca probabilidad que le diría "no" a una película con la que Julianne ya estuviera unida. A la misma vez, siempre hay una probabilidad que lees algo fantástico y absolutamente vale la pena en cada manera, pero eso no significa que tú puedas interpretar el papel. Estuve increíblemente aliviada una vez que leí el guion. Pensé, "¡Puedo interpretar a su hija totalmente!" Siempre es bueno no tener que forzar las cosas.

¿Qué es la mejor parte de trabajar con ella?

Trabajar con Julianne Moore es una razón del porque amo hacer películas. La gente ve una película como esta y dicen, "¡O, Kristen es muy buena en esta película!" y pienso, "¡Sí, fui buena porque estaba actuando con alguien bueno! ¡Alguien a quien no le pude mentir!" Y eso es lo que es.

¿Entonces grandes actores inspiran grandes actuaciones, y malos actores hacen que todos a su alrededor no sean buenos?

Bueno, la razón que la audiencia siente algo es porque nosotros los actores sentimos algo, también. Tiene que haber una conexión honesta entre tú y tu personaje, o si no no funciona. ¡Digo, nadie es un mentiroso tan bueno! Bueno...supongo que hay pocos actores que son gran mentirosos...

Apuesto que lo hay.

¡No importa, no tenemos que meternos en eso!

¡En esta película, tu y Kate Bosworth-quien interpreta tu hermana mayor-tienen una pelea fea. Y es muy chistosa, pero es tan mala!

Sabes, esa escena fue prácticamente improvisada. Inventamos todo eso! Alec [Baldwin, quien interpreta nuestro papá] decidió que nos iba interrumpir. Y había algunas tomas donde él se paraba hasta atrás y decía, "Bueno chicas, suéltenlo!" Y no podíamos parar hasta que el entrara a la escena, y estábamos peleando en serio.

¿Qué fue el mejor insulto que le aventaste?

Me encanto llamarla una culera. Si llamas a una chava una culera, es muy serio.

¿Por qué?

Porque todas somos "perras" ¿verdad? Todas las chavas. "O, ella es una perra, tu eres muy perra, estoy siendo una perra,' todas somos perras, y qué? Pero si otra mujer te mira y te dice, "¿Sabes qué? ¡Eres una culera verdadera!" Eso es poderoso y duele realmente. Creo que es peor que 'cállate la puta boca' porque no se trata solamente sobre algo que dijiste, es sobre ti. Todo tu ser.

En la película, tu personaje rechaza ir a la universidad. Tu tampoco iras, ¿verdad?

¡Lo gracioso es que quería ir a la escuela! Últimamente no fui porque me distraje en otras cosas. Si le hubieras dicho,  'O, Kristen, vas a perder ese tren, nunca iras a la universidad.' a mi versión mas joven, reaccionaria como, '¡¿Qué?! ¡Kristen, organiza tu mierda!'

¿Y qué le dirías a tu versión más joven?

Diría, 'Escucha, estas bien. Estas completamente estimulada y rodeada por experiencias increíbles que te permiten crecer y aprender. Tendrás todo lo que hubieras querido obtener de la universidad-[riéndose] y digo eso como alguien que no tiene la experiencia con la escuela. ¿Entonces, quién demonios sabe? Probablemente amaría la universidad. Pero estoy feliz ahora. Y soy afortunada porque mis padres nunca dijeron, 'Tienes que ir a la escuela o vas a ver.' Fueron muy comprensivos.

Espera, ¿cuántos años tienes?

Tengo 24.

Es chistoso. Cuando tenía 24, pensé que tendría todo organizado...

¡¿Es ridículo no?! ¡Puedo entender esa sensación! ¡Como un adolescente, piensas que tus veintes serán grandes, pero es como, progresivamente te vuelves menos impresionante porque ya no eres joven, precoz, y especial!

Eh, todavía eres bastante joven. Y bastante especial. ¿No dijo Forbes que eras la actriz mejor pagada en Hollywood?

Esas listas son mierda, para ser honesta contigo. Te puedo decir, honestamente, esa información no es verdad. La inventan. ¡Yo sé!

¿Tus amigos te llaman K-Stew, o únicamente las revistas?

Mis amigos lo hacen totalmente. Todo el tiempo.

¿Ese era tu apodo antes de ser famosa, o lo adoptaron?

No me acuerdo. También me dicen "K.S." mucho, pero K-Stew, sí, gente que conozco me llaman así. Se están burlando un poco de mi, pero no me importa. Pienso que es gracioso.

Me parece gracioso que estuviste en un anuncio de Gap.

¡Dios mío, eso fue hace mucho! ¡Eso fue la primera cosa que hice con la moda! Tenía como, 15.

Y ahora eres una chica de Chanel...pero parece que odias sonreír en las fotos. ¿Por qué?

No odio sonreír. Para nada. Es se siente natural para mí. Nunca se siente bien en el momento. Y no quiero parecer falsa.

Eso parece justo. ¿Qué es tu canción favorita ahorita?

-Déjame pensar...sabes cuando tu música se hace vieja? Mi música ahorita es muy vieja. Y cuando eso pasa me voy atrás-muy atrás. Amo a Blink 182. Los amo. Y esa línea "One more time with feeling" es muy apropiada para mi, también. Siempre digo, "¡Bueno, una vez más, una vez más, una vez más!" Voy hacer esto por el resto de mi vida.

¿Nunca quieres mudarte a una granja en Montana o algo? ¿Desaparecer totalmente?

No me gusta la idea. Eso no va a suceder. Voy a estar haciendo esto por un puto largo tiempo.

Artículo original en inglés Kristen Stewart for Elle Interview

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

EXCLUSIVA: Justin Bieber revela como consiguió esos abdominales asombrosos, la preparación para la campaña de Calvin Klein (Translated from English)

Traducción por Norma Hernández

Justin Bieber y Calvin Klein por poco y quiebren el internet el martes, 6 de enero, cuando se reveló que él es el sexy nuevo modelo de ropa interior de la marca y su  campaña icónica #MyCalvins. El superestrella de pop, 20, fue forzado a permanecer callado sobre su sexy sesión de fotos con la modelo holandesa Lara Stone por meses - y ahora el secreto se ha desvelado, y él le cuenta todo a Us Weekly. En una nueva foto exclusiva, Bieber demuestra sus calzoncillos con sus pantalones de mezclilla bajos, mientras revela su cuerpo firme.

"He querido trabajar con Calvin Klein por un buen tiempo" el cantante de "Believe" explica. "A principios de este año, puse una foto en Instagram de mi mismo con sus bóxers cortos con la etiqueta #mycalvins, y la gente se volvió loca y eso les llamó la atención.

La sesión de fotos de alto secreto tomó más de dos días en completar. "Realmente fue dos días y medio porque me enferme en el segundo día" Bieber le dice a Us. "Detrás de las escenas, todo funcionó como un reloj-llegábamos, hacíamos glam, y empezábamos a rodar."

Aunque la campaña fue mantenida en secreto, Bieber y su co-modelo dieron algunas pistas antes de que fuera hecha pública oficialmente. "Fue difícil mantener las cosas en secreto," admite Bieber. "La presentación de The Fashion Rocks definitivamente fue una pista, y no me preocupé de la reacción negativa de la audiencia cuando sucedió," dice él sobre cuando se desvistió en el 2014 y la audiencia comenzó a rechiflar.

En cuanto a esos abdominales y pectorales impresionantes?  "Hago ejercicio con mi entrenador, Patrick Nilsson, cinco días a la semana por 45 minutos cada día" revela él sobre su rutina de ejercicio físico. "Alternamos por tres días: la espalda y los tríceps un día, el pecho y los bíceps en el segundo día, y los hombros y las piernas en el tercer día, y los abdominales un día sí y un día no."

Sorprendentemente, el Biebs no tuvo que someterse a una dieta extrema para preparar a su cuerpo para la sesión de fotos - de hecho, la comida chatarra permaneció en su menú. "No tengo una dieta especial, pero sí trato de cuidar lo que como," dice él. "Sí como alimentos poco saludables a veces - soy un chavo de 20 años!"

Artículo original en inglés: Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein 

Nota: Si alguien tiene alguna corrección por favor dejen un comentario y yo hago los cambios necesarios. Gracias.  

Monday, September 23, 2013

River Viiperi: "They criticize Paris out of jealousy." (Translated from Spanish)

Translation by Norma Hernández

He is a successful model. He is Spaniard, born in Ibiza 22 years ago. Since he was 17 he has given the fashion world much to talk about. He's walked for top international brands like Versace, Calvin Klein, American Eagle, Dolce & Gabbana, Tommy Hilfiger, and has starred in many of their spots. He has also graced the covers of fashion magazines. From Russia to Japan, (to the United States of course) the country in which River Viiperi has lived in for a couple of years.

There, in New York Fashion Week, he met celebrity -in the best sense of the word- Paris Hilton. They have been a couple for a year. Since then, his popularity outside the fashion world has increased exponentially. He is followed by tens of thousands of people on both Twitter and Instagram.

They are one of Los Angeles's fashion couples, where they live when they aren't traveling. He loves her, supports her, and protects her. Now he answers my questions all the way from Bulgaria. Paris and him are there because she has been invited to appear in Bulgaria's Big Brother, but not to participate as a competitor, as some media outlets have assured. River, besides, talks to us about the television shows they both like and lets us know his girlfriend better.

Is there any truth that Paris Hilton -your girlfriend- and you are going to participate in Bulgaria's Big Brother?
I have no idea what Paris is going to do exactly, but neither one of us are going to stay in the house, nor will we be part of Big Brother, and we haven't asked for a king sized bed or anything. We are in Bulgaria in one of the Hilton hotels. They have hired her to act as a host and give the competitors in the house challenges and a bit more. That is, she will spend time with the competitors for a bit. I've come with her to support her and be with her on the trip.

Can you imagine yourself in one of these reality shows? And your girl? You think she would like it?
I have imagined many times participating in a reality show but it would have to be something different, innovative and interesting. Something  like, for example, the reality show "The Simple Life" of Paris. But of course, if it's something different, fun, innovative, and interesting not only would it she like it but I think everyone would too.

You are a top international model, very well known in the fashion world and every time known more by people in general. Have you thought about doing something related with television?
Let's drop the concept of "Top". I am an international model. I have never like the expression "top model.". If you are a model, you are a model independently of how well or how bad you do.
I have several projects in  mind; one of them is in Spain, precisely. It involves a film, "Lluvia Tóxica" (Toxic Rain), the first directorial job for Jaime Vaca the script writer of the series "Física o Química" or "Los Serrano". It's a comedy with musical touches and my character is very good looking.

Many people, especially journalists, talk about Paris without knowing her. That she is a party girl, that she is a rich girl without any worries. Does this bother you? Why are the people who think like this mistaken?
Of course it bothers me and I'll tell you why. Everyone talks without knowing, don't ask me why, it is something that I have never understood and never will. I call it jealousy. Who doesn't like to party? Who doesn't like to be rich? Having money doesn't mean not having any worries. It is true that at an economic level you don't have them, but there are more worries in life besides money.

Paris is a person who works really hard. I don't know anybody who works as hard as her. People think that she doesn't because she doesn't have a fixed schedule or an office job, including because her job is not an ordinary job, but I assure you that she works for a lot more hours and works harder than many other people. I don't know anybody else that works as much as Paris.

Now, similar things can be said about you: that you are a pretty boy, a moocher, that you go from party to party. However, those who know you-and I include myself amongst those-, we know that it has taken you a lot to be where you are. What's harder: having to deal with these types of comments or everything that you have already had to deal with?
More of the same. The opinions of people who don't know me directly don't matter to me [he laughs before getting serious]. It's been hard to get to where I am and it's going to be hard to get to where I want to be. That's the hard part, but it is something that everyone does to reach their dreams, or at least, that's what they should do...instead of worrying so much about other people's lives.

In another interview that I did with you, you said that in the fashion world you have to take a lot of shit. Has your life as a model improved? What has been that hardest thing you have had to deal with since you were 17 and left to London?
My life as a model has improved infinitely because I don't have to take shit from no one anymore. Now it's me who decides if I want to do something or not, I am my own boss. This is the point I have always wanted to reach. Now I can concentrate on my other projects without worrying about losing a job that I didn't want to do in the first place. The hardest thing for me has always been being away from what I know, going into a world in which you know nothing or no one and having to quickly adapt.

The world of modeling and catwalks is a very anonymous world. People know the names of great actors, their faces appear in movie posters, but in the case of models, very few times do their names appear in a photo shoot. The fact that, since you started dating Paris, your fame has increased, has this hurt or helped you in your career?
That has always been a problem for me. When I started to work as a model I made a Twitter account and I have always been exposed to the public. My agents would always tell me that I was overexposed and that the clients wanted exclusivity, but despite that I made off with that to reach the top doing what I thought appropriate and not doing what they told me.
Today, many clients want to get most out of the model they hire and they achieve it in part by hiring models with many Twitter followers. From that perspective, I have benefitted from being with Paris because many of her followers have started following me. On the other hand, many clients also see me as a "celebrity" - which I'm not- and that affects me because the true "celebrities" are the ones who take on the big projects.  Still, I do not give it any importance. I have many projects in sight, modeling for me has always been a transition to be able to achieve my dreams.
I've reached the top doing what I thought to be appropriate and not by doing what they told me.

Oddly enough, you are are a guy who can boast with a great body without making any big sacrifices in diet or the gym. Is it still that way or do you kill yourself at the gym daily?
Before I barely had time to go to the gym...imagine now... [Laughs]. At the moment I can get away without killing myself too much. When I can I'll go to the gym, I do pilates, I go for a run...whatever I can.

You were a big fan of "Entourage", what do you tend to watch on television? And what about your girlfriend?
I was and I still am, I am waiting for the movie [Laughs]. The series that we watch now (write it down because they are many) : "Suits", "American Horror Stories", "Arrow", "Do No harm", "Revenge", "Burn Notice", "Family Guy", "Breaking Bad", "Homeland", "Bates Motel"...just to name a few [Laughs]. I still haven't named them all.

How was your summer been?
Our summer has been incredible. A summer to remember: returning to Ibiza (which is where I was born) to see my girlfriend DJ in Amnesia was spectacular. I enjoyed the time there, the beaches, the food, etc. Simply amazing.
Besides Ibiza, we were in Malibu for a month surfing, barbecuing with friends, Hawaii, Las's been a very good summer and we have had a great time.

Summer is already ending...what projects await you?
Now that I live in Los Angeles it is summer year round to me [Laughs].  The project that I'm looking forward to the most right now is starting my own clothing line: shirts, sweatshirts, and such at the beginning. Later shoes, hats, and jewelry. I am finishing the deals and a few other things and I'll be on my way.
Besides this project I have many others on standby, the majority are collaborations with apps, online pages, etc. You'll see, this is the beginning! [Smiles].

Has it been a long time since you visited Spain? When will you visit Spain to see the Real Madrid, see the family, friends...?
Like I mentioned earlier, we were in Ibiza for the entire month of August. We were also in Barcelona. Before summer I stopped by Madrid for a few days to see my friends. I don't go much but when I do I don't think about it twice.

Are there things you miss from your life in Spain?
Of course I miss things, but it wouldn't change anything, everything happens for a reason. My friends will always be my friends, my family will always be my family. I miss them, but I know they will always be there for me when I need them just like I will always be here when they need me.

What is it that you value most about a person when you decide to trust them and consider them part of your circle? Are there a lot of people in that circle?
I appreciate people who are not fake, that always tell the truth no matter what happens, that don't beat around the bush and get straight to the point. That's what I most appreciate in people because people like that are scarce. That doesn't mean that I will let everyone who is like that into my "circle"; and even less now. I know who my friends are and they know it. I will meet new ones, obviously, but they won't be too many.

Are there a lot of lies and fake people who try to take advantage in the world you live in?
A lot. Fake people that will try to enter the circle no matter what, acting in a particular way, and when you give them a sign of trust they stab you in the back. That is something I do not tolerate.  My circle is basically closed. There will always be exceptions, but they will be few.

What's your wish for the future?
To not forget who I am, where I come from, and where I want to go. Happiness, health, and peace.

Artículo original en español River Viiperi Entrevista